Read our Spring 2024 Semester-in-Review!

Spare change?

Like everything in politics, running the Yale College Democrats and maintaining an active presence on campus takes money. If you're interested in helping us stay in top fighting shape, please consider making a monetary contribution to our organization. Your donation will go toward continuing our current success and strengthening our organization for the future so we can continue to fight for progressive candidates, policies, and values. For more guidance, check out our 2023 Giving Guide!

Electing Democrats

From sending our members to campaign in swing states during the presidential election to campaigning for Democrats to New Haven’s Board of Aldermen, Yale Dems run the campaigns that put Democrats in office.

Organizing Advocacy Events

We regularly organize lobbying trips for members, giving them the opportunity to meet with elected officials on the causes that matter to Democrats. In recent years, our efforts have led to the establishment of Connecticut as a sanctuary state for abortions, the repeal of Connecticut's death penalty, and the success of the CT DREAM Act.

Arranging Social Events on Campus

As the old saying goes, the party that plays together stays together! The Yale Dems frequently arrange social events for members, including trips to Democratic conventions, membership dinners, the occasional night at Mory’s, and the infamous Dems Formal. We make sure that Democrats at Yale don’t just help change the world, but that they have fun doing it!

Bringing Democratic Leaders to Yale

We work hard to introduce the Democratic leaders of tomorrow to the leaders of today. In the past, members have had the opportunity to meet Democratic luminaries such as Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT), Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), and President Bill Clinton, as well as many of New Haven’s and Connecticut’s key Democratic leaders.

Bulldog Democrats PAC

Bulldog Democrats PAC-Federal is a political action committee registered with the Federal Elections Commission. Campaign contributions from individuals to either of the PACs are limited to $5,000 per year.

Outside of donating to our direct education and outreach efforts above, you may also donate to our PACs to aid our efforts in support of federal campaigns: